About Us

Our Core Values

 Our Philosophy 

Our goal is to contribute to the development of a more sustainable society by building communities and educate people that can coexist with nature.

持続可能な社会の形成を目指して 「生きものと共生する 地域づくり・人づくり」 に貢献します。
 The Chiikan 50 Vision 

Let's become a company that connects people and nature in every scene of society!

人と自然をつなぐ 会社になろう
We, Chiikan, has continued to grow through working to solve social problems conservation and restoration of the natural environment since 1981. While coexistence with nature and the realization of a sustainable society have become global issues, we had many heated discussion about the mission that our company should fulfill. And we formulated "The Chiikan 50 Vision".

 Perspectives for formulating MTPs for realizing the vision 

Starting with "The  Chiikan 50 Vision" being achieved by the target year of fiscal 2033, we formulate medium-term management plans through backcasting. We will make progress toward realization through steady implementation, monitoring of results, and feedback.

Code of Conduct

We, Chiikan, aim to realize our corporate philosophy and carry out corporate activities in harmony with the local community based on the idea of mutual autonomy.

1. We will continue to provide high-value information, consulting and products.
  • We will continue to challenge the development and introduction of new ideas, technologies, products and methods.
  • We aim to deliver the speed, timing and detailed explanation that our customers demand.
  • We value the 3S3C's and strive to improve the quality of our work.

2. We fulfill our responsibilities to society
  • We will comply with the laws and social rules and carry out sincere and fair corporate activities based on ethical standards.
  • In the event of an emergency such as a natural disaster, we will strive for early recovery of business activities based on the Business Continuity Plan (BCP).
  • We will carry out initiatives that comply with the KES (Environmental Management System Standard) to contribute to the conservation of the environmental and biodiversity.
  • We will create a place where engineers who are interested in nature and creatures can contribute to society with peace of mind.
  • We support and collaborate with various organizations and groups such as NPOs on environmental conservation activities.

3. We thoroughly implement QMS (ISO9001) and strive to maintain and improve the quality of service
  • We carry out corporate activities that meet a wide range of requirements such as the requirements of customers (orderers, business owners, local residents) and legal regulations.
  • We will inform all employees of our quality policy and quality goals and aim to realize them.
  • Quality targets are set annually and reviewed regularly.
  • We will continuously improve quality management through management reviews, etc.

4. Each employee aims to be the best employee in the industry
  • We will contribute to society with a strong sense of mission and a high sense of ethics.
  • We will act with the relationship of trust with our customers first.
  • Have a challenging spirit and continue to grow.
  • We will strive for self-improvement through research activities, internal and external training, etc.

Information Security Policy

Regional Environmental Planning Inc. has established an information security policy in order to protect important information and personal information in business operations and ensure the highest security.
