About Us

We lead the way to a more prosper society by
strengthening the connection between nature, people and corporate activities.

We, Regional Environmental Planning Inc. (Chiikan for short), as a consultant firm specializing in environmental issues, lead the way to a more prosper and environment-conscious society by strengthening the bonds between nature, people living in the region and corporate environmental conservation activities.


picture: President and CEO Satoshi Takatsuka
A Message from the President

Core Values

picture: Chiikan
Our goal is to build a more sustainable society by developing regions and educating people to coexist with nature more harmonically.

Company Profile

picture:company profile
Introduction to Regional Environmental Planning Inc. (Chiikan)

Organization Chart

picture: organization chart
The structure of our company visualized through an organization chart.

Our History

picture: timeline
The history of our company.

Offices & Branches

picture: offices
Introduction to our 7 offices and branches.

Environmental Declaration

picture: plants
We will fulfill our social responsibilities by implementing environmental and biodiversity conservation initiatives in our corporate activities.


pictures: leaders
Introduction to our leadership team.